Sunday, January 8, 2012

The last little while summed up in a blog post...

So I've recently been obsessed with looking at other people's profiles and seeing what they are up to in their lives because I don't talk to them a lot anymore. So I get my information from reading their blogs! I've decided to start my own blog so that whoever might want to know, they can see what I've been up to in my life recently.

After I graduated high school in 2009, I moved up to Rexburg, Idaho to attend Brigham Young University - Idaho. I attended there for three semesters and I am so glad that I made that decision because I made so many friends while I was up there and I hope I continue to be friends with them.

I then transferred down to Brigham Young University in January 2011. I attended for that Winter semester and then for the summer I moved back home. While I was living at home, I found out that I didn't get into the Nursing Program at BYU for the fall semester. This was something that I was really hoping would turn out differently so that I could continue my journey through life doing the things that I want to do. Since I didn't get in, it made me do a lot of thinking. I knew that I was soon to turn 21 - mission age for girls. I wasn't sure if going on a mission was the right thing for me but I knew I couldn't throw that option out the window without praying about it first. As I was seeking guidance and inspiration I felt that I needed to go on a mission.

So that is my next step in my life and I am working on my papers at the moment. I have my dentist and doctor appointments this week and I hope to have my papers in by the end of the month.

Until I go on my mission, I am working so that I can pay my student loans off before I go. I work at a place called Sorenson Communications and I work in CaptionCall. Sorenson Communications is a company that provides phones and services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. CaptionCall is the portion who provides for the hard-of-hearing. Basically what I do is I am listening to the conversation and relaying what the person is saying to the computer and the computer types it out. Then through the internet, the words are sent to the hard-of-hearing person's phone and they can see what is being said along with hearing what the person was saying. So if they miss something, they can go back in the conversation and see what they missed. It is pretty sweet. I love my job. I love helping people with something that they can't do or something that is hard for them to do. It is really rewarding.

Well, that is pretty much what is going on in my life at the moment. I hope I didn't bore the reader to death. But if you got this far then I guess you are still reading :) I hope I get better at this blogging thing!! :)

Until next time,
Ashley Pahl

"Life has no rewind but it is being recorded. Live it right." -Chris Brady

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I am so super excited for you! You will be such a darling missionary, we can't wait to hear where you go!
