Monday, June 11, 2012

Bella Vista!

Sent on Monday, June 4, 2012


Oh, where do I start?? First of all, I'm sorry if I ever repeat anything. It's hard for me to remember what I have said and what I haven't said.
I guess I'll start with tracting. I don't like it in the least bit! Nobody is interested and they are just rude to you and like to slam their door in your face. That's not fun AT ALL!!! That's why Sister Knutson and I work in a more effective way - through the members. It is a much more effective and a more fun way to do missionary work! Then you get to know the members as well! The majority of the people we are working with have come to be investigators as the result of a member either being a friend or inviting them to learn.
We have a couple, Brother and Sister [], who have investigated the church before but Sister [] has health issues and so they stopped because she didn't want anything to do with the church. Her son, unfortunately, passed away recently from a drug overdose. The Bishop called us and told us that this might be an opportune time to go and see if we can help. Then the Branch President of the YSA Branch and his wife told us the same thing. Their daughter works with him so we called and talked with her a little bit and she said that Brother [] gets up at 4:30 AM every morning, reads the Bible for 45 minutes, and then reads the Book of Mormon for 45 minutes! Amazing! Most members don't even do that!!! We just hope that his wife will be open to hear our message. So we have a lesson with them tonight. We hope that we can be of some help and offer comfort for them.
We have another couple that have been going to church for about 2 years but they haven't been baptized yet. We ran into them at a ward activity last Monday and they told us that they have been thinking about moving forward with baptism. The Bishop called us this morning and said that his family had dinner with them last night and that they said the same thing about baptism to the Bishop. We have an appointment with them on Wednesday and we are excited to see where their testimonies are at and what we need to do to help them move forward with this decision they have made.
We also have a new potential investigator for the YSA Branch!!!!! His name is []. We met him last Wednesday when we went to have dinner with some of the YSA members. He came to church yesterday! He stayed for the whole thing, plus Break the Fast, plus the fireside after that! He said he liked it and we will be calling him today to set up an appointment. He started a new job at Walmart today so he didn't know what his schedule was going to be like.
Our Progressing Investigators are the [] family. They have a 3 year old and an 18 month old, both boys. A couple of lessons ago we tried setting a date with them but they didn't want to do that yet. Other than that they are doing really well. The only thing for Brother [] is he wants to read the Book of Mormon first. We expressed to him that he doesn't need to read the whole thing to know that it's true. So we just keep teaching them. They come to church every week and we are pretty sure that if they were going to drop us, they would have done so already. I want to share an experience that Sister [] shared with us. She is really into yoga and so one time she was doing it and in the last part they are supposed to relax and think of something that calms them down. She told us that she usually thinks of nature but this last time, the first thing that came to her mind was the Sealing Room in the Kansas City Temple!!! (They went to the open house.) She remembers looking into the mirrors and how they just reflected forever. She really liked it! So that tells us that their goal is not only baptism, but the temple!
So that was really cool!! We were excited to hear about that experience of hers! Oh! And I ate fish at their house!!!!!!! It's a miracle!!!! Sister [] made salmon and it had some type of orange glaze on it. It was actually quite good because it didn't have the "fishy" taste that I don't like. So I ate salmon, liked it, and I'm proud of it! :)
This last week and a half has been really quiet. We live with the [] family and there are 5 kids ranging from ages 3-12. Their parents went on the trek this last weekend so the kids went up to their grandparents house in Missouri and they have been there for the last week and a half. It has been super quiet. It will be weird but great to have them back! Their grandparents also have sister missionaries living with them. I thought that was pretty funny. :)
I think that's about it for today. I'm going to start making a list during the week of the things I want to talk about in my emails so that I can remember everything I want to write!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Ashley Pahl :):)

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