Monday, September 24, 2012

D&C 35:6-15, 27

Dear family,

We have been super blessed this week in finding more people to teach! We go tracting a lot and even though I don't think it's the most productive way to work, we have been able to find a few people through our efforts in tracting. We also have received a few referrals from the members that are going pretty well!!

We are teaching a lady named P.G. She was a member referral from Sister Thompson. We have the lessons at her house! I mentioned her last week but this week we had another miracle happen with her! We were able to invite her to be baptized and she accepted a batism date of October 20th! She also came to church yesterday and seemed to love being there. A lot of the members know some of her family members so they were able to connect with her and fellowship her a little bit! It is great when the members reach out to the people in the ward that they don't know. That is how people feel loved at our church, is by being talked to! She also said that she's seen many blessings since she started meeting with us! She mentioned her house bill and how she owed (x) amount of money on it and she got her bill in the mail again this week and she owed a lot less than she thought. She sees it as a gift from God for doing the right thing and telling her that she is doing what He wants her to do. I think I might have shared this last week but she is the one who said that after her husband died a few months ago, she heard a voice through the radio that said he was in a better place and that he goes to a classroom and learns things about God that he didn't know before. We were able to testify of the Plan of Salvation and how her husband was in the Spirit World learning what she was learning. She thought that it is really great that she can live with her husband forever!

Another one of our investigators, Bro. E, has been going through some hard times in his life but we found out that he might be able to be baptized sooner than previously thought! That will be super exciting. He's been meeting with missionaries for a while now. We see him twice a week and he comes to church every Sunday, as long as he has a ride, and he also participated in the lessons and is Gospel Principles class and has great insights to things. He has a great testimony and has also been prepared to receive the Gospel! It is cool to see how Heavenly Father is preparing these people to receive the Gospel, even though sometimes it means they have hard trials and temptations in their lives.

Yesterday we were also able to attend the dedication of the new Joplin Stake Center. Last year, in the Joplin tornado, the stake center was swept away! There were even some members inside at the time of the tornado. But yesterday, Elder Tad R. Callister came and dedicated the new stake center! I even got to shake his hand! I felt so privileged to be able to do so. Two of the people that gave talks were in the stake center at the time it was swept away. They went into the bathroom to stay safe and then all the walls and the whole building just disappeared; except for the bathroom that they were in. Pretty amazing how Heavenly Father kept them safe! It was a great service!

I'm sorry it's super short this week but it's been a hard week and I'm short on time.

I love you all and pray that Heavenly Father will keep you safe until we meet again.

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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