Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Alma 7:11-13

Dearest Family and Friends,

Aloooha! We have had quite the week. The best part is that it is cooling down!!!!! It is so grrrrrrrrrreat!!!! When we walk outside and it's not blazing hot or humid, I feel like I'm in Utah again because that's what the weather feels like! It makes me so happy!!! :) I have not been a huge fan of the blazing heat out here, or the humidity. But we made it through another summer without getting heat exhaustion or heat stroke or anything of that nature! :)

Last Monday we had quite the adventure. I don't think I talked about this in my email last week. We went on a long hike with Bro. Carter, the Elders, and Sis. Tina Hobbs. It was so crazy! We hiked out to one of Jesse James' hideouts. It was quite the adventure. Let's just say that we'll never let Bro. Carter take us hiking ever again. The end. Hahah

We've also been doing a lot of service for the Rileys. We're helping them to get their house cleaned up. It's turned into a Ward Service Project. They need a lot of help with fixing up the house and cleaning it up so we have been helping with that two or three days a week. We'll do the same this week. We are actually going over there after we get done emailing today. They are so great and I love them so much. I wish I could do more for them and their situation. They have 4 children ages 8 and under. They have a lot on their plate and can't seem to stay caught up on things. So we're helping them as much as we can.

We found a new investigator named Janet. We're not completely sure if she in 100%interested in the gospel. Every time we go over there she seems interested but doesn't say too much. So we're going to have a good talk with her this week and see if she's really interested.

On Wednesday I went on an exchange in Van Buren with Sis. Boll. It was so much fun! Sis. Boll is a great missionary and I am always inspired when I'm around her. We saw a lot of different people. They have so many investigators that I don't know how they keep track of them all! They seem to have a pretty good system so that's good! Van Buren is such a cute place. I always enjoy it when I go there.

On Thursday we had to go to Sallisaw so Sis. Ficklin could have a dentist look at her retainer that broke. So that was an adventure. We are so grateful for the Vendels and that they were able to take us.

On Friday we had a really good weekly planning session. We have a busy week planned out and we are excited for all the things we have going on! It should be a faaaaaaaaantastic week! We are ready to get to work and teach the world! :)

We had dinner with Jeremy & Jennifer Hobbs on Friday. Sis. Hobbs is still all set on getting baptized! Bro. Hobbs will probably not be ready for a while but we know that their family will one day go through the temple. Bro. Hobbs said that it will probably happen as well. He knows he's going to get baptized, it's only a matter of time. :)

Saturday we had the luxury of watching conference at home! It was so great. Conference was AWESOME!!! One of my favorite talks the whole weekend was Elder McConkie's talk. It was focused towards Sunday School teachers, but I took it completely as if he were talking to a missionary. Best talk ever. I also really liked Elder Scott's talk about weaknesses. As a missionary, the adversary likes to make us think we aren't good enough because of our weaknesses. Well, I guess it's not just missionaries but anyway. So I really enjoyed that talk. I just really think that this was the best conference ever. All of the talks were super great. It's hard for me to focus on just one and have one absolute favorite. Now it's just hard for me to remember everything that was said. I feel like as I've been on my mission for a longer time that my memory is getting worse! No bueno. But it will all be okay! :)

Sunday morning we watched conference at the church and then Sunday afternoon we watched it as Sis. Cheryl Hobbs house. Mother of Jeremy and Tina - two people I've mentioned in this email. :) Jennifer said she watched conference Sunday morning but she was working all Saturday so she couldn't watch it. What she did get to watch though she said she loved it! She felt like every single speaker was talking directly to her! She really could not be more excited to become a member of the church. She told us how they didn't have money to pay their cable bill but then on Saturday they got a check unexpectedly and were able to pay the bill so she could watch conference. She said she believes they got the check because they fed us the day before. I 100% believe that. What a cool experience! We told her to get a journal an write these things down!

Monday I got to go to Tulsa again. It was the last MLC that I will attend on my mission. I'm pretty sad about it and freaking out a little bit but I'm determined to work harder than I ever have for the next few weeks so that I can say I tried my best my entire mission. I'm near the end and I can't give up now. Anyway, MLC was so good! Like I said earlier, it's hard for me to remember everything that was said, so it's a good thing I took lots of notes! :)

On Tuesday after we were done with everything, Sis. Shumway took all the Sister Training Leaders and met with us just to talk about the sisters in the mission. At the end, Sis. Shumway said my name and I expected her just to ask me to say the prayer (that's what happened last time a Sister Training Leader was going home), but instead she asked me to bear my testimony. I cried like a little baby about how glad I was that I decided to serve a mission. It truly has been a huge blessing! I've learned so much and I've grown and I've changed. Hopefully I'll be able to continue to learn and grow as I move on to another chapter in life.

Thank you so much for everyone who continues to support me on my mission! I couldn't do it without all the prayers that are said in my behalf. I'm very grateful!!!

Well, that's about it! Talk to you next week!

Love you all so much!!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl :)

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