Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monday's letter (9/30/13)

Family and friends,

We had a super hard week this week. A lot of the people that we had lessons scheduled ended up cancelling on us. It's just been one of those weeks. The plus side of that is that it can only go up from here, right? Hopefully that's what happens with the beginning of this new transfer!

Monday night we were supposed to have a lesson with the Jacksons but they weren't home so we went over to the Statons to see how they were doing. Sis. Staton was in the bath so we just talked with Bro. Staton for a little bit. They had someone come over with a scooter for Sis. Staton to use at work and so we left when he got there. We didn't want to interrupt.

On Tuesday night, Bro. Carter called us and asked if we wanted to go have ice cream with him and his friend Dolores and her daughter who was recently baptized down in Texas. It's pretty interesting that Dolores' daughter was baptized because Dolores is just not interested at all. She just wants to be our friend and feed us food hahah she's super nice though and we enjoy her. She's the one that took us painting two weeks ago. :) That was fun.

Wednesday was an alright day. We ended up going tracting for about 2 hours. We surprisingly found lots of potential investigators and were able to set up some return appointments. We almost got attacked by a dog though. We had just got done teaching this lady and we were walking down the street, I was writing her information in my planner, Sis. Ficklin was walking ahead of me, all of a sudden she said, "Sister Pahl, stop!" So I stopped and looked up to see what the problem was. This big brown pitbull was just staring us down. It was pretty scary! He like didn't even blink! Luckily we were able to get away and not get attacked. That's one of my biggest fears is getting attacked by a dog. Glad I don't have a story for that one.

Friday we had a really good lesson with the Hobbs. Sis. Hobbs is still super excited for her baptism. Bro. Hobbs is not going to be ready. He's not ready at this time to live the Word of Wisdom. They said tithing won't be a problem though, so that's good! :) We also talked to their oldest sons and they are going to start joining in the lessons. We are hoping they'll be able to get baptized on the same day as their mom. They were super surprised that she was getting baptized. But then they said that whenever they see her in the living room that she is reading her Book of Mormon. She's great! Last week (I can't remember if I said this last week) she was saying how she just wants to go tell all the Baptists to read the Book of Mormon because it's true! We were so happy to hear that she believed that! :)

On Saturday morning we went to the Pitcock's home and helped with a service project. They are building a house and they're trying to finish it before Winter. So, we went to help...but I'm not really knowledgeable about those things and as a missionary I can't handle the big power tools, so Sis. Ficklin and I "supervised." Hahah it was really fun! :) We were mainly supervising a group of three that were putting up a wall for a closet. We made sure that everything was level. It was fun, but I will not be going into construction for my career. That's for sure. I also helped make some food for the lunch we had there. Food: now that I can do. :)

We also got to watch the Relief Society General Broadcast! It was so great! My favorite line was by Sis. Stephens when she was telling a story and said, "Don't be offended, that's ridiculous!" I absolutely love that! :) Sunday we had a really good Testimony Sacrament Meeting. Probably one of the best I've had in a while. We also had a good 3rd hour discussion about missionary work led by the Bishop. One of the members was talking and answering a question and he said, "Are we limiting the power of heaven?" I thought that was like so good! He was talking about all the little miracles that we see in our every day lives. We need to ask for miracles and then expect them. We need to not limit the powers of heaven! :) Love it.

Well, another week has come and gone. Crazy how time goes. I miss you all and am excited to see you again. Love you all!!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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