Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Farewell! :)

Well, my day is finally here!!!! I will be entering the MTC tomorrow, April 25. I could not be more excited. I just hope that I am ready! I want to thank everybody for everything that you have done for me. I sure do have a lot of people to thank for getting me to the place that I am today. I feel like getting to go share the gospel by being a representative of Jesus Christ is one of the best things I can do and it is such a privilege to be called to do so. I know that the Lord will be with me every step of the way.
I truly was meant to go on a mission. Heavenly Father has done so much to allow me to be able to go on a mission. I had some student loans that I needed to take care of before I left and He blessed me with a couple jobs that got my loans paid off sooner than I could have hoped for! I now have money left over to help support me while I am out in the field. There is no way that that happened by coincidence.
The last month has been super hard. The adversary really knows how to get to us! Thankfully, I have my Father in Heaven and my Savior, Jesus Christ, who are looking out for me and who buoyed me up when I was feeling like I couldn't do this. I know that as I continue to lean on them that I will be able to complete my mission with honor and be able to have a huge impact on others lives as well as my own. I know that serving a mission is one of the best decisions that I am going to make in my life and I will come to know that even more as I get out in the field and when I come home.
Again, I want to thank all of my great friends and family. You guys have all been such a huge example and a huge blessing in my life. I have been blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people who lift me up and want the best for me. I could not be more grateful.

Well, here I go!! My mom and sister will be updating my blog weekly (hopefully :) ) and will as well be updating my address and facebook. I need lots of letters! I already enjoy getting and receiving the mail so it's going to be even worse when I get on my mission!

See you all in 18 months!!!! Love you!!!

Love, Sister Pahl

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