Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Letter Home 4/25-26/2012

We were given permission to write you guys not on our P-day. My P-days here are on Tuesdays. I am scheduled to leave here on the 16th of May.
I am safe and sound. My companion is Sister Laau. She is from San Francisco but originally from Samoa. She is really nice and can be quiet but she's cool.
The other two sisters in my room/district are Sisters Randall and Quiocho (Key-ocho). They are also really cool. Randall is from Orem and Quiocho is from Cali-originally from Samoa. Her and Laau did not know each other before.
Studying the gospel is so great! I love learning about teaching people and the gospel.
The food is good and I am being fed well :) All the people here are so nice and friendly.
We have had lots of time for personal study today and it has been pretty good! I meet my Branch President tonight and have interviews with him. It should be great. I'm excited!
Sister Laau has said that after our mission we should go to Samoa. That would be so fun! She always stops and talks to all teh Poly missionaries. It's super funny. She always apologized but it is fine so I tell her to stop apologizing. :)
Sister Randall is going to St. Louis on her mission and Sister Quiocho is going to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on hers.
I am okay and am going to stay out here and fulfill my calling as a missionary. I just hope I can grow quickly so I really can be a tool in the Lord's hands.
We have gym time soon and we are super excited! We are going to play volleyball. Beach volleyball. It will be fun!
Well, I have to go!
Love, Sister Pahl

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