Sunday, May 20, 2012

Almost done!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 (sorry, we're a little slow!)
Hello everybody!

Guess what? I am almost done with the MTC! I pretty much am done because today is my Preparation Day and so I don't have any classes but we do have devotional tonight. Last week for our devotional, we had Elder D. Todd Christoffersen come and speak with us! His wife also talked and I very much enjoyed her talk because she spoke on Charity - the pure love of Christ. I was a short but awesome talk! Elder Christoffersen talked on the Doctrines of Christ. It was also a super good talk!

On Friday we had In-Field training. It was a super long day because that's all we did but it got me super excited to go out to the field! It is weird because I don't really feel like I am on my mission yet. I feel like I am at a youth conference or something just learning more about the gospel and how to teach it. It feels like I'm packing to come home but nope! I'm going to Oklahoma and I honestly could not be more excited to get out there and work! I'm so excited to see the people I'm going to meet and teach! I know it's going to be a TON of work but I'm ready for it. If I can get through the MTC, I can do it.

On Saturday we had a "Referral" that we taught. I feel like the lesson went really well! I could definitely feel the spirit! His name was Melvin and he was a cute elderly man who lost his wife a few years ago. He reminds me a lot of Grandpa Clements. Just like the way he acted and the things he said and they way he described his feelings for his wife reminded me of grandpa. So we talked a lot about the Plan of Salvation and how we can be together with our families forever. He thought that was super cool. We also taught him about the Restoration of the gospel. So we pretty much taught him the first two lessons in Preach My Gospel. He thought everything was really awesome. We invited him to be baptized and he said he wanted to see one first. So although he wasn't a real investigator, it was super awesome to have that experience! I know the Lord has been preparing people for me and He is going to lead me to them so I can help bring real happiness to their lives! I'm still learning how to do that but with Heavenly Father's help, I can do ANYTHING!

We have had the best teachers here at the MTC. I'm pretty sure of it. I know that, just as my mission president and companions will be inspired, my teachers were meant for me! I've been wondering why Sis. La'au and I were put in a district with nobody else going to OK when there are 11 other Elders going but I'm pretty sure it's because I needed these teachers! They have seriously helped me so much and helped me become a better person! I am so grateful for them and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to learn from them!

The other two sisters left this morning along with all the elders from our district! So it is just Sis. La'au and I from our district hanging out with the rest of our zone today on our preparation day. It has been weird not having Sis. Randall and Sis. Quiocho! But everything must come to an end right?

Funny story. In our building, we are on the second floor. There are elders above and below us. Soooo the basement flooded!! And it didn't smell too was actually quite discusting. It still stinks today but it is getting better. I thought that was funny and that I'd share that with you. :)

So tomorrow I leave at 3 AM!! Our flight leaves SLC at 6 AM and we arrive in the Ft. Worth/Dallas Airport at about 9:35 AM and then we leave again at 11:05 AM. And then arrive in Tulsa at 12:05 PM. I'm not quite sure how that works with the time here but oh well. I will be calling sometime so be prepared! :) I'm just going to call whenever I have time. We don't want to miss our flight. We are also supposed to teach people at the airport if we have the chance. That is so crazy and scary!! It is also weird to think that 24 hours from right now I will be landing in Tulsa! Ahhh!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!

I love you all!! Thanks for the support and all the letters! I love getting a ton of letters! Please keep them coming! Send them to my Oklahoma address now! :)

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Ashley Pahl

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