Monday, August 13, 2012

D&C 1:12, 35


We had a slow week compared to last week. That's okay though. You have some good and some bad. If we didn't have bad weeks, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good!

We met with Amber again! Tolliver was in Europe for soccer! Jealous! I wish I was as good as him so I could go to Europe to play soccer for 2 weeks! How cool would that be? Anyway. Amber had read 1 Nephi 1 but had some questions so we read through it and answered her questions. She is a really deep thinker and so she easily doubts herself and her feelings. Next week we will be able to meet with her and Tolliver again and talk a little bit more about the Restoration of the Gospel.

We had a pretty good lesson with the K's. Sister K was having a really hard day. Her marriage is going downhill and so that day she was really down and was very emotional about everything. We read 1 Nephi 1 with her and her daughter O. She is a member but her daughter is not. After we had read the chapter and had talked a little bit about it, I brought up the last verse and how it talks about the tender mercies of the Lord. My mom has always loved that scripture and so it rubbed off on me and it was really good for Sister K to know that she can receive tender mercies. She knows she needs to come back to church but we think that she just has a hard time actually doing it. She needs to feel more of a need to go I guess. She put herself through Nursing School and she has a 4 month old right now plus her 12 year old O. If she is determined to do something, she will do it. We just need to know how to help the Spirit help her to have the determination to go to church so she can receive the blessings from that.

I think I'm going to start a tally for how many times I read 1 Nephi 1 on my mission.... :)

We also got a new investigator on Thursday! She seems really great. She is really active in her own church so she just needs to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and we'll be good. She was a referral from a guy who just got home from his mission 2 weeks ago! He is on fire! He wants to help us in every way he can and he wants to share the gospel with all fo his friends! So near the beginning of the lesson she expressed that her church didn't believe in a need for prophets today so we talked about that a little bit and we expressed how Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever so why would he not have prophets on the earth today if that is how he worked back in biblical times? It seemed like the wheels were turning in her head and that that made sense to her.

We didn't get to meet with the Js or the Bs this week. They went out of town this weekend so that's why we didn't get to see them.

This week was also the first week that I've been here that we haven't had a single investigator at church. That was a huge bummer! The people that usually come were out of town so there was really nothing we could do about that, we can just look forward to next week!

One thing I'm super excited about this next week is we get to go to the County Fair!!!!! Apparantly the people in charge of the fair called our church and asked us to do a booth there! We get to host a booth where there will be tons of people to talk to! We are pretty excited about that! Next week I'll let you know how that went.

Well, sorry this one is shorter. Like I said, we had a slow week and so there isn't a whole lot to tell! :)

I love you all!!

See you soon then!!

Love, Sister Pahl

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