Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I never know what to put here...

We had a pretty good week this week! And we have an even better one planned this next week!

We have been doing this "Social Conversion Challenge" for a lot of our dinner messages and active member lessons. A couple weeks ago we did it with a girl named Terra. She is from the YSA Branch. She also graduated from Murray the same year as me; and yes, she knows David Archuleta, she went to junior high with him as well as high school. Anyway, we challenged her to do this and she accepted our challenge. Last Wednesday we had dinner with her, and three of her friends were there! We made it pretty casual and talked a little bit about "the Mormons" and answered some questions that they had. They also asked what we did as missionaries. So we told them. At the end of dinner, we told them we would love to meet with them all again and they all said yes! So we are going to get in touch with Terra again (she went to Utah over the weekend) and set up meetings with them! We gave them all a Book of Mormon and a card with our names and number on it. They all seem pretty friendly and interested in learning more!

In District Meeting on Friday, we did a some real plays on how to better introduce the Book of Mormon. Well, we had an appointment at 3 o'clock after our meeting and we used what we had done in District Meeting and they seem really excited to read the Book of Mormon! They also accepted a return appointment so they are now new investigators! YAY! They have met with the missionaries before but it didn't last very long because their schedule is so busy so hopefully that won't be a factor this time! We are praying and crossing our fingers! :)

We also had interviews with President Shumway on Friday. He is the best ever! I truly think he was meant to be the Mission President here in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission just because of me. I had intended to ask him for a blessing when I was in the interview but just from talking to him I got what I needed to hear. I am a cry baby and so I cried during pretty much the whole thing. All I have to say is that I KNOW I am so blessed to have the family and friends that I have! I am so blessed to get letters from many of you! Lots of missionaries go their whole mission without hearing from their families and I don't know what I would do if that was me! I LOVE getting letters and hearing how everybody back home is doing! So thank you all for loving me and supporting me and sending me letters! I love you all!

We are working with a recent convert, Amanda, and last week she texted us and said, "I was going to wait until our meeting tomorrow but I couldn't wait. I've been thinking about going on a mission and I've decided that it's the right thing for me to do!" What! So she is going to go on a mission! She got baptized in January and its July and she's decided that she's going to go....she's been a member for 6 months! How awesome is she?! We are so excited for her and she is just amazing.

We are also working with a less active, Michael. He is the sweetest guy ever! He came to church again yesterday and stayed for the whole thing! They are trying to set up a service project/BBQ at his house so that will be some good fellowship for him!

There is a family that we have been trying to contact for the last 3 months, the whole time I've been here in Bella Vista. Well, we finally got in to see them! We saw them TWICE last week and will see them again this week! The wife is the only member but is less active. They have a 12 year old and a 4 month old. So we are excited to be able to continue working with them and seeing progress made with them. They are a great family but have many challenges, as do the rest of us.

Thank you SO MUCH for the package and pictures! I'm going to get a photo album for the pictures so I can look at them easier :) You all are so cute and I miss you so much but I know I'm out here for a reason and I'm going to do everything in my power to fulfill my calling and do the things that the Lord needs me to do out here. I only have so much time and I know I have the rest of eternity to be with you but only a short 18 months to strictly do the Lord's work. So that's what I'm going to do! :) Another thing that happened in my interview with President Shumway: I said that I have a huge desire to be the best missionary ever. He said that he liked that statement all except for one thing. He then changed it to the best missionary I can be. So that is my ultimate goal: to be the best missionary I can be! :)

So the church out here is different in one way....the time changes with the school year. So instead of changing times in January, they change in August. Pretty strange. So next Sunday Bella Vista moves to 9 AM but the YSA Branch stays at 2:30 PM. So we will be at the church starting at about 7:30 AM to about 6 PM. Sounds like a Bishop's schedule! The good thing is we won't have to split up. Right now, Sister Knutson and I go to Bella Vista Sacrament Meeting together and then split up because the Branch starts right after. Then we rejoin for Relief Society in the Branch. So now we won't have to split up anymore!

Next Sunday we will be at church until probably about 9 PM. We have a fireside!!! The YSA Branch is putting on a missionary fireside where you can bring your friends! With a keynote speaker - President Shumway! How cool! So we have a full schedule next Sunday but we couldn't be more excited!

We have transfer calls on Saturday so next week I'll know if I'm going to be staying in Bella Vista or going somewhere else! I hope I stay here! There are so many people to teach and I just love the area and the people! But I know that I'll go wherever the Lord needs me to go! :)

Love you all! Have a great week!
See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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