Monday, October 15, 2012

D&C 39:17, 21, 24

We get to go to Tulsa for a Sister's Conference this week and I'm so excited! It will be a blast to get to be with the other sisters in the mission and to do some service and receive some training from President Shumway and the others we will be hearing from! I am really excited to go! I will get to see Sister Knutson again before she leaves! I loved being her companion and I will miss her dearly. We will only be there for about 24 hours but that's good enough for me! :)

We had a pretty good week. We didn't teach as many lessons as we were hoping but we are shooting for 20 lessons this week! We really want to reach that goal! Even though we are going to be in Tulsa for a day and a half, we are hoping to teach 20 lessons! We should be able to do it. Teaching 20 lessons is the goal that our mission president has set for each area and so far, only two areas have been able to accomplish that. Hopefully we can make it three!

We're so excited for Bro. Elliott to get baptized! He is so ready and he is so excited to make this step in his life. Sister Polk is a lady who has been coming to lessons with him for a while and she is excited as well! She is 94 years old and still comes to lessons with us! She's a pretty amazing lady. President Shumway was supposed to come and interview him on Friday but he got ill so one of the Stake Presidency is going to come and interview him on Sunday! So the plan is that he will be baptized on October 27th! We are so excited!

We also found some more people to teach! As a zone, the Joplin Zone is working on obedience this month and we are seeing the benefits from striving to be exactly obedient. On Tuesday we were seeing some less actives and we both felt like we should knock on a couple doors. So we did. We went to the left first because there were more houses with lights on. After we knocked on a few doors with no success, we went the other way. As we were walking down the street the people that live at the next house pulled into their driveway. We started talking to them and followed them up their walkway. It was kind of awkward at first because we were following them to their house but as we got talking to the lady it got better! She seemed kind of interested and we gave her a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and asked if we could come back. She said that we could stop in if the truck was there. So we left and kept going down the street. A few minutes later we heard someone say, "Sisters!" We turn around and it was this lady, her name is Eve. At first I was thinking, "What's happening right now??!!" She wanted to ask us where our church was so we gave her the address and our phone number. Unfortunately, they didn't come to church but we did stop by Sunday night and we had a GREAT lesson on the Plan of Salvation. As we were talking and getting to know them a little bit I was having a debate on if we should teach the Plan of Salvation, like we had planned, or teach the Restoration. She'd say one thing and I would be determined that they needed the Plan of Salvation. Then she would say something else and it would apply to the Restoration! So we kind of taught a little bit about both. We talked about prophets and how they can help us in our lives to know how to get where we want to go - back with our Father in Heaven. Then we went through the Plan of Salvation. They said it was different but a good different. Eve said that she grew up just believing that after we die we don't get another chance. So I said that if that were the case, and there were no spirit world, God would not be a fair God because that would mean that people in Africa and China wouldn't even get a chance to hear the gospel and they would have to be punished for something that they weren't aware of. Tony, Eve's boyfriend, said that that totally made sense that that would have to happen for God to be the God that He says He is. We also introduced the Book of Mormon and they said that they would be very interested in reading it. Eve said that she didnt' believe in coincidence or luck so I said that I didn't either and then gave the example of: what are the chances that you pull into your driveway as we are walking down the street? It was a really good lesson and I can't wait to go back there!

We are also starting to see some success in Ft. Scott. We have been able to contact a few less actives and actually started teaching the boyfriend of a girl that is less active! There's also a man, Brother Lewis, that wants to come back to church but his two jobs keep him from doing that. So hopefully we'll be able to work with him and get him back to church!

Our zone meeting on Friday was really good! They gave us a talk called, "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary." Sister Boone and I read it and I have a lot to work on! It seems like once you notice some things you need to change as a missionary, they become worse and harder to overcome. It has been super hard but I'm continuing to pray and try to work harder to become a more consecrated missionary!

I'm grateful to be our here and I continue to learn new things everyday! It has so far been the hardest thing EVER, but I know it will also benefit me and the other people that I come in contact with!

Love you all!

See you soon then!!

Love, Sister Pahl

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