Monday, October 29, 2012

D&C 43:17-18

Dear family,

Well, we had quite the eventful weekend! Unfortunately, Bro. Elliott's baptism didn't happen. There was some miscommunication that went on and he ended up not showing up for his baptism. Sister Boone and I drove around trying to find him. We tried at his apartment but he wasn't there, we called his work but he wasn't at work, and so we didn't really know where else to look. We prayed for inspiration to know where to find him (at this point, people were still waiting at the church for us to find him and bring him to the church to be baptized). I felt like we should go look at the store to see if he was there. As we were driving there, we saw him walking down the street, walking back home from the store. We stopped and talked to him for about 5-10 minutes and he said that he had been at the church when we told him to be there but that nobody was there. Thing is, Bishop Murray was at the church when Bro. Elliott said he went past. Then he said that the guy who interviewed him said a few things that made him think that he was not allowed to be baptized because of his past. We were kind of frustrated because we've met with Bro. Elliott several times since his interview and he didn't ever tell us this and we talked to the guy who interviewed him and he said he had a good experience with Bro. Elliott and he even signed the baptism record paper saying that he could be baptized. What was even more sad was that Bro. Elliott didn't come to church yesterday. It was the first time he hasn't been there in probably 8 months. We went over to his house last night and he wasn't home but we could see inside his apartment and could tell that he really wasn't ready to be baptized. I've learned so much from this experience but most of all, things will only happen when Heavenly Father is ready for them to happen. I've learned a lot more but I'm short on time today and there are other things I need to talk about! I just know and I have lots of faith that Bro. Elliott will eventually be baptized. He has such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and he LOVED conference!! He's just not ready right now.

On to other news! I'm being transferred to a place called Miami (Miam-ah), Oklahoma! This was quite a shocker!!! Since Sister Boone is going home I was 100% expecting to stay in Nevada and just get a new companion. But I'm moving to Miami, where they've never had Sisters, just Elders, and the Miami Elders will be coming here to Nevada. My new companion is going to be Sister Reeves. She's pretty cool! Really outgoing and really talkative. We will be "white-washing" the area. Which means that Elders have been there for a while but now they are putting sisters there. We had quite an experience with getting a ride to Joplin for Sisters Conference, to the point that our Mission President called our Bishop to talk to him about the I guess that Pres. Shumway felt that Nevada needed Elders.... :) so they are getting Elders now. Miami is still in the Joplin Zone so I will get to be in the same zone which makes me really happy because I really love this zone and all the Elders are so great and so hard working but so funny and fun to be with at the same time. We always have a good time but a spiritual time when we get together!

We are doing a 'cottage meeting' tonight a member's house. She's wanted to do one for a while but never set one up and then yesterday she found out that we both are leaving so she wanted to do it before we left. So yesterday she set one up and we are going to do that tonight! I'm really excited but nervous. I didn't even know that people still did these things. I thought that it was just something they did back when the church had barely been organized again, but I guess not! It will be a good experience for me and a good thing to end Sister Boone's mission!

Well, this email is super short but like I said earlier, I'm super short on time so I will try to write more next week! :)

I love you all! Thanks so much for everything you do for me!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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