Monday, November 5, 2012

D&C 49:28

Dearest family,

I am in Miami, Oklahoma!! My time in Miami has been interesting so far. It is definitely not going to be easy to be in an area where sisters have never been before. However, we are getting a lot of good feedback from the members and they seem to be excited to have sisters in the area. They are ready for a change and I just hope that we can live up to their expectations. Some of them say they've had a hard time with the elders that have been here and that they're excited to see the work pick up with sisters here now. So I hope that we can work hard and make the work progress here in Miami. Not a whole lot happened this past week. We are still trying to get our feet on the ground. Let's just say that I feel like Heavenly Father is preparing me to open a brand new area that hasn't ever had missionaries. It started with Sister Boone and I covering the Ft. Scott Branch and now with whitewashing an area. We are about to get a lot more missionaries and so areas that have never had missionaries are going to get missionaries! It will be super exciting but hard at the same time. Missionary work is work, that's for sure! But I'm trying to love every minute of it!

We have interviews with President Shumway this week, it should be good! I always enjoy having interviews with him. I cry every time but it is still good to be able to have 1 on 1 time with him so you can ask him anything you want and nobody else will know. Mission presidents are such a blessing, I feel, because he is like my dad out here. I can't just call my dad up and talk to him and tell him everything, but I get to email my Mission President every week and tell him anything I want. If I'm feeling bad enough I can even call him up. And we get to have interviews! They are so great!

I'm really sorry this is so short but there isn't a whole lot to report on. Hopefully this next week will be more exciting and more things will happen so I can have stuff to tell you next week! :)

The work keeps on going and I try every day to strive to do my best. I can improve every day and so I try to do just that - improve. It's not the easiest thing, but it is important and necessary for us to grow in this world.

I love you all!!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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