Tuesday, February 19, 2013

And the work goes on.

Dear family and friends,

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day and that you felt of the love that our Father in Heaven has for each and every one of us! It's truly amazing how much He loves and knows all of us! He can bless us in ways that we didn't even know was possible if we just let Him into our lives!

We had a pretty good week this week! I want to start off with talking about Debbie. She ended up having to get another surgery on Wednesday.  The doctors did not think that she was getting any better and so they did another surgery to try and make things better for her. So on Tuesday, we went and met with her for a little bit and we were able to give her a copy of the Book of Mormon. She was so excited to receive it!! Her aunt had told us to give one to her (as if we needed to be told :) ) so we did and it was really awesome to see the excitement in her voice as she thanked us for it. The surgery on Wednesday went really well and she went home on Saturday. We haven't been able to go up and see her yet but we've been in contact through phone and she sounds like she's doing a lot better than she was before her second surgery! We also found out that she has not been baptized yet (I can't remember if I told you that we weren't sure if she had been or not) and we told her that this morning and she said, "Well then I want to take the classes with my daughter so we can be baptized together." It is amazing to see how accepting her and her daughter are of the gospel! They'll probably be baptized within the next month! It's going to be amazing! I just hope that I'm here for it!

Transfer calls are this Saturday! Already! Can you believe it? I can't! This transfer is only 5 weeks instead of the usual 6 because the MTC moved from 3 weeks to 2 weeks so we had to accomodate for that! So I really hope that I stay here in Muskogee! I'm really loving it!!!!

On Sunday there was a "cottage meeting" up in Wagoner. It's about 30 miles north of Muskogee. We are trying to get a Branch up there instead of having them come down to Muskogee all the time for church meetings. Hopefully it will happen really soon! The Stake Presidency is talking about it right now. It's really cool to see how the church works and progresses. I never knew what had to happen to get another branch or ward. But now I kind of know!

So we had a lesson with the Oneal family this week. Bro. Oneal works for UPS! :) Anyway, we were talking about following the prophet and it was really cool to testify that we have a living prophet today. We are so blessed to be able to hear the words and instruction of our leadership every six months! I can't believe that conference is already in about a month and a half!!! I feel like we just had it! I know that our Prophet is called of God, as are his couselors and the twelve apostles and the rest of the church leadership!

Bro. Hill, one of our investigators, came to church on Sunday for the first time and he thought it was interesting. I asked him if it was a good interesting or a bad interesting and he said that it was good! We are hoping now that he came to church that he'll move more along with the discussions. He said he wanted to come back and he actually knows a member in our ward! So that was cool that he already had a friend there. The Lord works in mysterious ways and it ceases to amaze me the way people are being prepared for the gospel!!

The last thing I want to write about is a talk that was given in church on Sunday. Bro. Ferguson gave a great talk! There was a story that stood out to me and it really made me want to be better! He told a story about a person who was in a leadership position. I can't remember what it was but he was pretty high up in leadership. Anyway, he was talking to some of his counselors and asked them how often they had family prayer. The all said that they tried to have it twice a day but that most of the time it was only once a day. The leader went on to tell them that that wasn't going to be enough anymore. The world is getting so bad that we need to be having family prayer twice a day.
It's so true! The world is going downhill faster than we know it and in order to be prepared for what our families are going to face, we need to go to our Father in Heaven in prayer, together as a family, twice a day! Let us all strive to do this and implement this into our lives! I know that it will protect us and our families and can help us withstand the evils of today!

I love you all! I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church on the earth today! We can get closer to God by abiding by it's standards! I know this more and more everyday as I'm out here on my mission experiencing others accepting it themselves! It's truly amazing how the spirit touches people!

I would love to hear from all of you and hear how you're doing!!

Love you, see you soon then!!!

Love, Sister Pahl

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