Monday, February 25, 2013



I'm not sure about the weather there, but it is pouring rain this morning!! Lots of loud thunder as well! It will be interesting because we were supposed to have a BBQ with our zone today! So we'll see what happens with that! :)

So I am officially staying in Muskogee for another 6 weeks! I'm so glad that I get to stay because we have so many good things that are going on right now! It might not be going as fast as we would like but it is going. Sister Moe will be training in another area and I'll be training too!!! I really can't even believe it! Time has gone by so fast and it continues to fly by! It seems like it was yesterday that I was being trained and now I'm the one that will be doing the training! It is a scary thought that Heavenly Father trusts me to train a new missionary! But, since He called me to do it, I know that I can do it! He'll be with me all the way! It will be an exciting experience!

We had another lesson with Debbie this week. Her daughter, Ariana, also joined us! She is 10 and also wants to get baptized! We taught the Restoration pretty quickly and talked about the Word of Wisdom as well. There are some things in her life that she's going to have to change, but she is willing to do so. Not only because she wants to be baptized, but she wanted to change those things in her life anyway. We are hoping to see her a lot this week. She can start driving again on Wednesday so she wants to come down from Wagoner on Thursday and see us and then we'll also see her on Friday. She also said that they are planning on coming to church on Sunday! It will be exciting and I know she will love it! They don't want to set a date for baptism yet which is kind of sad but understandable. It is still kind of new to them. But I know that they'll get baptized! It is amazing to see how accepting they are of it already and they haven't even learned a whole lot about it yet. I'm so excited to get to still be here in Muskogee to see them progress in learning about the gospel!

I can't remember if I talked about it last week, but we also met with a guy named CJ this week. He is a less active member that is wanting to come back. He served a mission and was married in the temple. But, things happened and he fell away. He still has a testimony but he just doesn't come to church. I think he really does have a testimony because when we were at his house teaching a lesson, his roommate had some questions and CJ was able to help us answer those questions for his roommate! It is pretty sweet to see how much of an impact the gospel can have on someone's life.

Sorry this one is kind of short, but know that I love you all! I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the earth today! The Book of Mormon is true! I LOVE reading it every morning! I learn so much from just reading a few pages a day! I know that reading it can make us a better person. Not just the act of reading, but by applying the teachings we read makes us a better person and will qualify us for the kingdom of heaven! I love serving a mission! Time is going by way too fast! Again, I love you all.

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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