Monday, January 7, 2013

Cheyenne's Baptism! :)

Hello Family!

We had a pretty good week this week!!

Cheyenne was baptized and confirmed!!! It was such a great experience and I was so glad to be a part of it! It was a really spiritual experience for her and she is going to be a great asset in Heavenly Father's hands! Her brother was able to baptize her. He was pretty nervous but he was able to do it. It was really funny, when Cheyenne came up and the witnesses confirmed that she'd gone all the way under, she stood up and was like, "I did it." She was kind of nervous about it too but they did it! Then she was confirmed on Sunday. The Bishop confirmed her because her brother had never done it before and so he didn't want to do it. But that's okay. It was a beautiful blessing. The Bishop is a talker and so I feel like the Spirit was really speaking through him. The Bishop doesn't really know the trials that she is going through but her blessing was perfect and mentioned things that I'm sure will help her as she embarks on this new journey.

On Wednesday we were able to go on an exchange with a girl in one of the Joplin wards. She is actually going to school in Provo but out there all the girls want to go on exchanges and so not everyone can go. She figured that while she was out here on her break that she'd see if she could come with us. So it was a good time! She is a really nice girl and is going to make a fantastic missionary! She was able to come with us and meet with Gail, then Brother Ash, then she took us to dinner, and then we met with Maggie. It was weird to have her with us almost all day because I'm used to it just being me and Sister Reeves. Nonetheless, it was great and I hope she does well on her mission! She should get her call this week sometime. It's so exciting!!

 As a missionary, I think one of the greatest things to see is the members being good missionaries and good fellowshippers, which is pretty much being a missionary. As a fellowshipper, they make friends with those who are investigating so they feel like they are welcome and feel like they have someone else to talk to them at church other than the missionaries. After the meeting when Cheyenne was confirmed, lots of people came and congratulated her and just were trying to be welcoming. One girl, Sister Gibson Jr. (there are 3 generations of Gibson's - Grandma Gibson, Gibson Sr., and Gibson Jr. we call them  ) has been a main fellowshipper. She comes to lessons with us sometimes and after Sacrament Meeting, she came up to Cheyenne and handed her a note and told her she wrote down some of the things that were said in her confirmation. That was so great! Now she will be able to always remember some of the things that were said to her when she was confirmed a member of the church! Then Sister Gibson Sr. invited her to have dinner at their house! So sometime we are going to have dinner with them and then teach Cheyenne one of the New Member lessons. The Miami Ward is so great and I'm so glad that I've had time to serve here in this area!

Nothing else too exciting happened this week but yet it was the best week I've had in a while.

I love you all!! Have a great week!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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