Monday, January 21, 2013


Dearest Family,

I apologize in advance for the shortness of this email. I don't feel like I have a whole lot to say today.

First, I am being transferred!!! On Thursday I will be heading to a place called Muskogee, Oklahoma. My new companion's name is Sister Moe. She's from Idaho and just finished her two transfers of training so I'm "follow-up training." That just means that I'm her first companion after her trainer. But our mission president got rid of "senior" and "junior" companions so we are equal in responsibility! I like that better because we both are expected to do the same things instead of having one companion that is always in charge of having the last word on things. It will help us work together better and we will be able to learn HOW to work together better. That was repetitive, but oh well. :)

Sister Reeves is also getting transferred! She's going to the Springdale, Arkansas area. She'll be serving in a Marshallese Branch. We were super surprised when we found out that we both were getting transferred. When we got the call, our Zone Leader was like "You're both...." and we thought he was going to say, "staying in Miami," but instead he said, "getting transferred." I was like, "Are you kidding me?" He paused and said, "no." It was pretty funny. Sister Reeves video recorded the whole thing so I'm going to have her get it to me somehow when she goes home. She likes to video record lots of things and so that's one thing I've learned - to record, whether by video or picture - because it will last a lot longer and takes less time than writing something in your journal.

I want to point something out that came up this week. I already knew this but I think it is great for us all to remember. That is: Satan tries to make us feel unworthy of anything our Heavenly Father wants to give us. Cheyenne texted us this week with the concern that she didn't feel like she was worthy of forgiveness because of things she did before she heard about the church. It is amazing how well Satan knows us and knows how he can get to us. We all need to be aware of our thoughts and whether they are coming from God or from Satan. If we feel they are coming from Satan, then we need to work on getting those thoughts out of our mind! If we do this, we can become better people and better able to do what our Father in Heaven sent us to earth to do!

Thanks for all your support! I'll let you know next week what my address is! Love you all!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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