Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm an Okee from Muskogee! :)

Dearest Family,

Muskogee is GREAT! It's the biggest ward I've been in since I was in Bella Vista! Which seems like forever ago but it really wasn't that long ago. There's even a family that moved here from Miami. They only moved in August so not too long ago. They are the Garretts. We had dinner with them last night and they are awesome! They have 4 boys ranging from ages 4 to 13 I think. I felt bad for Sister Moe because pretty much the whole time we were talking about Miami and all the wonderful people that are up there. I miss it so much but am ready for new adventures and am excited to see what is in store for me here in Muskogee!

My companion is Sister Moe. She is awesome! She's only been out for about 4 months but she is a great missionary! When I first got here, since it's a new area and I don't know really anything, she was really great in helping me figure out who is who and what their story it. She continues to help me because I don't have a great memory and so she'll have to tell me things again I'm sure.

So leaving Miami was really rough. Especially leaving it to two missionaries that haven't been in the area before so they don't know anything. But one of the missionaries there is Sister Meredith and she is training and so I'm sure that the work will progress greatly up there!  We went around and saw a lot of people before we left so we could say goodbye. We saw Cheyenne everyday before we left! I'm going to miss her so much! But she is going to be great! On Wednesday night, we went to the church for mutual/activity days/scouts to say goodbye and while we where there they tricked us and stole our keys and heart attacked our car! When we walked outside, they were laying in the bed of our truck and when we got to it, they jumped up and scared us! They are so great! I love them so much! It is amazing how much love you can spread around as a missionary! You love one area so much that you think you can't love anymore but then you are transferred and you automatically love everybody there in that area! That's what happened with me. Yesterday in church when Sister Moe was introducing me to everyone, I just automatically felt love for everyone. Nobody will replace Bella Vista, Nevada, or Miami, but I already love Muskogee as much as my other areas! Which makes the work easier - because I don't have to try to love them, it's automatic!

Something cool that is going on here in the Muskogee Ward is that they are trying to get it split into a ward and a branch. There is a town, Wagoner, about 20 miles north of Muskogee that is in the ward and they have been having "cottage meetings" up there once a month to see what the attendance would be like. Then yesterday, our Ward Mission Leader told us that he sent the letter off to the high coucil or whoever he needed to send it to, to get it approved! It will have to go all the way up to Salt Lake but hopefully it won't take too long and they'll be able to create a branch up there! It's pretty exciting!

Yesterday we had a lesson with a guy named Jarrod. He is a pretty awesome guy. Unfortunately, he is homeless at the moment and is trying to find a job. There is a place in town that he lives at called "The Mission." It is a place where homeless people can stay. Regardless of his hard life, he has a super strong faith in Jesus Christ. He's had a few baptism dates but something always came up. He now has a date for February 23rd. Pretty much all he needs to do is to continue to not smoke and come to church! He is even already being a missionary! He asked us for some copies of the Book of Mormon that he could give to some friends and he said that he is going to bring one of his friends to church with him. It is amazing to know that you have a testimony but even more amazing when you see someone else gain a testimony and then share what they believe.

We are also working with a lady named Chasity. Her and her daughter, Micah, like to meet with us. I can't remember if they've come to church yet or not. But they're really great. Chasity is going to beauty school and trying to make ends meet. She and her daughter live with her boyfriend. I don't think he's super supportive of her investigating the church but allows us to come over and meet with her and Micah. Hopefully he'll turn around and they'll be able to come to church!

Well, I think that's about it for today. I hope you are all doing fantastic! I sure am loving my time here in Muskogee. I would love to hear from all my family and friends! My new address is:

1723 Sallie St.
Muskogee, OK 74403

Write to me!!! :)

Picture 1: Welcome to Miami!
Picture 2: Elder Richards, Sister Reeves, me, Elder Atkin at the Joplin transfer point.
Picture 3: some of the sisters in the mission at the Bentonville transfer point.
Picture 4: me and my new companion, Sister Moe.

Love you all!!

See you soon then!

Love, Sister Pahl

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